How to Analyze Waste Sorting Habits Using the Right Recycling Bin


With a growing population all over the world and climate change problems potentially threatening the stability of certain areas around the world, levels of consumption and pollution are two areas that forward thinkers are examining closely. Improvements in our efficiency to turn consumed goods into consumable goods with minimal environmental damage remains one of the biggest problems facing us today. One of the most significant factors in this is how we dispose of our waste sorting habits.

We start with arguably the most advantageous form of sorting waste disposal. Recycling is great for the environment, but it also provides a considerable economic benefit to the individual and the economy as a whole. Recycling is ultimate because it reduces the work needed to produce something fit for consumption.

So do your bit and make sure you recycle responsibly as there are some surprising things that you should not recycle. Let’s look at the most common techniques today as waste sorting habits and the pros and cons of each.

Analyze Waste Management Sorting

Of course, not everything can be recycled. The main things that can be recycled are plastics, paper, and glass. Recycling requires effort from all parties, including you! Responsible waste disposal professionals will always look to promote recycling as much as possible. Quality bin hires companies will always separate the waste according to its ability to be recycled.

Waste Sorting

Biological Reprocessing

This process of waste sorting habits disposal is only applicable to those of organic nature like plants, food scraps, and paper products. Organic matter going through the biological decomposition process forms mulch or compost, which later can be used for agricultural purposes. Biological reprocessing helps to speed up the natural decomposition of organic matter. The methane that comes as a gaseous waste can be used for producing heat and electricity. Whether it is used for home or industrial purposes, its complexity and type differ and are classified as aerobic and anaerobic methods.

Sanitary Landfill

Sanitary landfill setup involves a well-designed engineering method to ensure that the environment is protected. It is made with layers of different leveling, with the bottom having the smallest volume, which gets bigger as you move towards the top. This volume difference is to make sure that land does not collapse.

Landfills are one of the most convenient and inexpensive ways to go about waste sorting system disposal. So it was, now the situation has changed dramatically. Landfills with unmanageable wastes are creating threats to the environment.

Waste to Energy (WtE)

An efficient disposal system is essential to save ourselves and the environment from non-recyclable items. The disposal technique generates heat or electricity from waste materials. It can come in handy when you need to dispose of non-recyclable items by converting them into heat, fuel, or electricity. Reducing the need for fossil fuels can help decrease carbon emissions.

Composting: Creating Rich Humus for Your Garden and Lawn

Cheap, easy, and virtually risk-free, composting is a natural process that breaks down organic waste and turns it into rich manure that can be used to improve the quality of the soil in your garden. Rather than throwing organic waste into the rubbish bin and having waste disposal, people deal with it, put it aside, and mix it all over time. Composting is as simple as that!


Using environmentally friendly microbes is an eco-friendly and cost-effective way to make the environment free of pollution. Hazardous wastes can be converted to non-toxic products using this natural degradation process. The limitations are that it takes a long time, and controlling the natural degradation process can be hard.

Thermal Treatment: Incineration

This process converts waste material into gas, ash, and heat. Mass of waste reduces by 95 to 96% when processed through incineration plants. For places with a shortage of land, it can be a good choice. It is operable in any weather condition. Moreover, the energy produced can be used for other purposes. As there is no decay, a bad smell or methane does not form, and the heat destroys the harmful germs and chemicals. Modern incinerators have a computerized monitoring system that allows them to use a computer to troubleshoot most of the problems.

Plasma Gasification

This process of waste sorting habits management utilizes highly ionized or electrically charged gases called plasma within a vessel to convert carbon-based materials into fuel. It is an emerging technology that treats hazardous waste by converting incinerator ash or chemicals into non-hazardous slag. The high temperature and lack of oxygen prevent the formation of toxin compounds like dioxins, NOX, furans, or sulfur dioxide. In addition, the whole processing of waste is ecologically clean, converting solid or liquid wastes into syngas.

Waste Sorting

Waste Sorting Guide


Clean paper only. Staples OK, Windowed envelopes OK.

YES – Recycle (Not In Plastic Bags)

  • Newspaper, inserts, junk mail.
  • Magazines, paperbacks, phone books.
  • White and colored paper.
  • Shredded paper-put in a paper bag.
  • Boxboard.
  • Clean pizza boxes.
  • Corrugated cardboard (Flattened).

NO – Can’t Recycle These

  • No food stains or residue.
  • No beer or soda cartons, butter.
  • No margarine boxes.
  • No used paper towels, cups, or plates.
  • No glossy boxes–white strands show when torn.
  • No take-out containers, or blueprints.
  • No copy paper packaging.
  • No dirtied paper.
  • No Tyvek or padded envelopes.
  • No stickers and sticker paper.
  • No hardcover books.


Only containers less than 2 gallons, empty and rinse. Discard caps in the trash.

YES – Recycle (Not In Plastic Bags)

  • Beverage bottles & jugs: soda, water, juice.
  • Personal care bottles: shampoo, soap, etc.
  • Detergent bottles.
  • Food containers: margarine, yogurt, etc.

NO – Can’t Recycle These.

  • No plastic bags or dry cleaning bags.
  • No vinyl siding, PVC, or construction materials.
  • No Styrofoam (polystyrene), egg cartons, or packing peanuts.
  • No meat, cheese, deli or cookie trays, berry cartons.
  • No bubble wrap, plastic wrap, heat shrink wrap, foam packing.
  • No cups, plates, utensils, straws, or polyvinyl sheeting.
  • No photographic film, tarps, black plastic, or flower pots.
  • No microwave trays or containers.
  • No bottles contained motor oil, anti-freeze, pesticides, pool chemicals, or other hazardous substances.
  • No clothes baskets, plastic bins, indoor/outdoor patio furniture.
  • No swimming pools, hoses, tubing, pails, or buckets.
  • No VCR, CD cases.


Empty & Rinse

YES – Recycle (Not In Plastic Bags)

  • Cans.
  • Foil pie pans.

NO – Can’t Recycle These.

  • No food residue.
  • No siding or construction materials or scrap.
  • No foil-wrapped beverage pouches.

Steel (Tin) Cans

Empty and rinse. Labels are OK

YES – Recycle (Not In Plastic Bags)

  • Food and beverage cans.
  • Pet food cans.

NO – Can’t Recycle These.

  • No food residue.
  • No hangers or scrap metal.
  • No pots & pans, or appliances.
  • No toys.
  • No aerosol spray cans or paint cans.
  • No car parts or fuel tanks.


Empty and rinse. Discard lids in the trash. Labels are OK

YES – Recycle (Not In Plastic Bags)

  • Only Food & Beverage Bottles and Jars — juice, pop & soda, water bottles, beer & wine bottles, and food jars.
  • Glass may be transparent or colored (amber, green, blue).

NO – Can’t Recycle These

  • No food residue.
  • No ceramics, baking dishes, drinking.
  • No glasses, or cookware (Pyrex).
  • No coffee mugs, milk glass.
  • No plate glass, windshields, windows.
  • No art glass, eyeglasses, wine corks.
  • No mirrors, vases.
  • No light bulbs or fluorescent lights.
  • No medicine bottles.


To keep up with the amount of waste sorting bins being generated, we must constantly update ourselves with the new techniques available in the field. At Metropolitan Transfer Station, we are passionate about upholding responsible, environmentally-friendly waste sorting habits and disposal methods. Contact us for more information about our waste disposal and recycling services today!

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