Tag Archives: Recycle Garbage

Tracks and Solutions for Sustainable Waste Management

Waste Management

Today’s, waste management treatment is difficult and expensive and has negative consequences for the environment. Besides, natural resources are becoming scarce. Each waste contains raw materials and has consumed resources (energy and water) during its life cycle. Incinerating waste or disposing of it in landfills means, therefore, wasting those raw materials and resources. We must, […]

How to Recycle Garbage

Recycle Garbage

We tell you how to recycle garbage, especially organic waste, metal, paper, plastic, glass, and tetra bricks. It’s all about starting! For our house to be sustainable and respectful of the environment, it is our responsibility to use energy-efficient since it is a precious asset. To achieve this, recycling is necessary. We emphasize that our […]

Efficient Recycling: How To Start At Home

Efficient Recycling

The first step is to take into account the waste from the moment of purchase so as not to generate unnecessary garbage. Then, in the home, recycling techniques must be applied that allow our garbage to become something else and not end up contaminating a water channel, container, or landfill. Recycling at home does not […]